Gnocchi nutrition facts: Your perfect pre-workout delight

Have you ever wondered which foods are best for you before and after your fitness routines? This gnocchi nutrition key facts will help you understand Presentation of a gnocchi dish by Gnoccawhy this delicious Italian dish is so good for you.

In light of balancing a sporty and healthy lifestyle, the role of nutrition cannot be overstated. Therefore fueling your body with the right nutrients becomes crucial. Firstly, carbohydrates (or „carbs“) stand out as a cornerstone. They will give you the energy needed to power through workouts and recover effectively according to your needs. However, depending on your fitness goals, questions often arise:

  • Are carbs good or bad for me and my objectives?
  • Will they make me gain muscle mass or body fat?
  • Should I eat them before or after sport?
  • How long before or after?

The things that gnocchi are made of

Gnocchi are a tasty option that many of us love but, what are they made of?
Firstly, we must understand the main composition of this Italian delicacy: potatoes, flour and eggs. This combination of complex carbohydrates (potatoes and flour) with protein (eggs) makes gnocchi an amazing recipe. It provides plenty of energy and healthy nutrients to your body. Contrarily, the simple carbohydrates group won’t provide many nutrients instead.

Furthermore, complex carbohydrates include food groups such as whole grain cereals and vegetables like fruits and tubers. These will produce enough energy for your body to be active without struggles, particularly in the mid-short term.

Are carbs good or bad?

In popular knowledge, carbohydrates have in general a bad rep.
So yes, carbs can be bad for your body if you don’t know which ones you’re taking, and if you take too many of them.
Generally speaking, the simple carbohydrates are the ones that have a bad rep.

In nature they are found in fruits, milk and milk products. In addition, they are found as well in processed and refined sugars, including table sugar, candy, syrups and soft drinks. They will give you a rush of energy in the very short term (30-60 minutes). After that quick energy rush, your body energy levels will go down abruptly, making it hard for you to keep up with any activity after that time frame.

Moreover, if you don’t burn those calories during that time, they will turn into unburnt energy that can transform into body fat, without supplying you any extra nutrients.

On the other hand, complex carbohydrates will power up your body in the mid/short term. That is 2 to 4 hours after you ate them. This will give you plenty of energy for your exercise routine. Moreover, you will avoid the abrupt energy crash after the rush that simple carbs do.

We hope that all these gnocchi nutrition tips are helpful to you in order to enjoy your fitness focused diet, while enjoying the pleasures of this Italian delight at the same time.
Finally, don’t hesitate to check our menu and discover the different choices we have for you!

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