Extra Virgin Olive Oil: The Untold Story For A Healthy Life

Extra virgin olive oil is a famous product from Sicily and particularly health benefits are well known. While the Swiss climate does not provide olive oil production, the holy land of Sicily does offer olive hains. Consequently, let’s learn more about the abundant fruit that is a symbol of peace and friendship.

Olixir`s origin is the beautiful untouched hills of Sicily, which are there for producing the best olives for centuries if not even millennia.

extra virgin olive oil from olive tree
extra virgin olive oil from olive tree

However let’s focus on background knowledge about the production of organic,  cold-pressed olive oil. Furthermore, we will hear about the nutritious effects on our bodies and their health benefits. Finally, we learn about the usage in the kitchen and even the bathroom.

Extra Virgin Olive Oil 


The process of making olive oil includes grinding olives and extracting the oil by mechanical or chemical process. At Food for Health (FfH) we are aware of how important it is to use the mechanical mean. Additionally, we also pick our olives when they are green, we pick them gently by hand to prevent bruises and take care of birds and the environment. Consequently, we keep the taste quality as high and nutritious as possible.


Looking at our growing process, FfH takes care of our environment and our health. That’s the reason we don’t use pesticides and fungicides which damage it. At FfH we show gratitude to our planet and do grow organic olives to produce organic olive oil without harming our nature. Furthermore, it is proven that organically grown food is higher in Vitamin C, minerals, and bioactive substances.*3


Evoo means the production from the first milling of the olive fruit and by extracting the oil while maintaining a temperature of less than 27°C through strictly mechanical means.

Cold Pressed

At FfH we are pretty conscious about the process from growing organically to extracting olive oil through cold-pressed mechanisms to its fullest fruitiness and highest nutrition. That’s the reason we produce cold-pressed organic olive oil. We use a state-of-the-art extra cold extraction with only a 7°C process. We obtain the highest amount of antioxidants while minimizing oxidation.

Health Benefits of Virgin Olive Oil – Nutritious effect

Because of its high nutrition of Antioxidants, polyphenols, and Vitamin E, olive oil has amazing benefits like anti-aging, anti-inflammatory, and protective as well as beneficial properties, especially for cardiovascular risk factors such as coagulation, platelet aggregation, and lipids.  Olive oil is also high in saturated fat. The fatty acid composition can vary from one region to another and depends on other factors such as the quality of the olives and the art of the master oil man.*6 For more knowledge about the Essential micronutrients check our block page.

Beneficial Virgin Olive Oil everywhere

In the kitchen of course. Raw or cooked, both are of enormous benefit. Even making a cake with olive oil is not even possible then delicious and nutritious. The smoke point of olive oil is mostly overthought. Hence it’s classified as medium-high. That’s higher than the smoke point of either butter or coconut oil.

As a special recommendation try olive oil and freshly squeezed lemon juice for your salad dressing – so yummy in our tummy.

And in the bathroom, yes. Try olive oil for hair care, especially organic olive oil as body lotion and even making soap from olive oil at home. It is not only healthy and nutritious body care, the furthermore a sustainable alternative, one product and so many options where and how to use.


These are the reasons FfH was able to manage in only 3 years delivery of 3 cooks with Michelin Star. Food For Health wants to offer you and your family just the best health product. Try the 3 liters bag in the box and it will surprise you with your overall health benefits in one year.



Find out more about OLIXIR  


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